Outsourcing: The New Big Thing or the Slippery Slope?

An article by Teresita C. Schaffer and Shilpa Rajan on the implications of the growing trend of U.S. companies outsourcing jobs to India.

Outsourcing has provided additional jobs for India and lower costs for U.S. businesses, creating winners and losers in both countries. The most interesting questions concern its impact on international production processes. Outsourcing-related sectors are among the most open in the Indian economy. Will their success encourage greater openness? The United States, with its generally open market and its array of multinational corporations, has for the past three decades been steadily integrating with the rest of the world. The same is true within individual major corporations. Regardless of possible changes to tax codes or requirements for government procurement in the United States, and barring a major depression or interruption in telecommunications services, this trend is now likely to encompass services that do not need to be rendered in person.

Originally published in the Center for Strategic & International StudiesSouth Asia Monitor on December 1, 2004. Read the entire article.

Special Report: Rising India and U.S. Policy Options in Asia

A report by Teresita C. Schaffer and Mandavi Mehta on the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ year-long “Rising India and U.S. Policy Options in Asia” study and its corresponding conference.

India has completed a decade of economic growth at twice its pace in the last half-century and has emerged as a nuclear armed country. Although its future will depend on how it handles a host of domestic and international constraints, India may well emerge in the next two decades as a significant power in the broader Asian environment and on a global scale. For the United States, the “Rising India” study underlined the importance of two key building blocks for U.S.-Indian relations—India’s economic growth, and the new convergence between Indian and U.S. views of security in the Indian Ocean and in Asia. U.S. policymakers will need to integrate their views of South Asia, East Asia, and to some extent the Middle East in ways they have not normally done in the past. At least in the next 5–10 years, U.S. relations with China and India may well be complementary rather than conflicting. The unresolved problems between India and Pakistan, however, still stand as a complicating factor in India’s international posture and its relationship with the United States.

Originally published in CSIS‘ South Asia Monitor on December 1, 2001. Read the entire report.

Kashmir: The Economics of Peace Building

A report by Teresita C. Schaffer of the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ South Asia Program with the Kashmir Study Group.

The Kashmir problem is the most intractable part of the dispute between India and Pakistan. In the past five decades, scholars and statesmen have analyzed the political dimensions of the problem many times over and have tried to solve it or at least to manage it. The economics of the problem have received much less attention.

Originally published by CSIS in December 2005. Read the summary or the entire report.

Order a paper version of the entire report.