India, China, and the U.S.: Perspectives


December 23, 2021:  US China Education Trust  and Peking University co-sponsored a year-long series of Webinars on American, Chinese and Indian perspectives on the Indo-Pacific. culminating in the launch of a report in December 2021. Examining several decades of major economic change in the region and the accelerating effect of the COVID-19  pandemic, the report underlines the vital importance of seeking ways to cooperate, and the difficulty of doing so at this time.

Read the report, by Teresita Schaffer




India and the Trump Administration’s Agenda

From Flickr,

February 7, 2017: Indians are optimistic about how their bilateral relationship with the United States will fare under the Trump administration. They expect important changes in the U.S. geopolitical outlook. The resulting disruption may bring dangers but also opportunities for India. In assessing its policies for a world of much greater uncertainty, the basic foreign policy goals we wrote about in India at the High Table will largely survive, though India, as we anticipated, may need to tweak how it thinks about strategic autonomy. Some aspects of the new administration’s approach to the U.S. domestic economy may wind up having an impact on international trade as well – and hence on India.

Continue reading “India and the Trump Administration’s Agenda”

Review of “India at the Global High Table”

Kishan Rana’s review of our India at the Global High Table appeared in the October 2016 issue9789350297858-1 of The Book Review, New Delhi. The book was published in India by HarperCollins in July 2016, and in Washington by Brookings Institution Press in April 2016. Read the review here. A short review from the September issue of Foreign Affairs appears here.

India at the Global High Table: Remarks at Richmond


May 10, 2016: Introducing India at the Global High Table at the Richmond World Affairs Council, we discussed emerging India’s international role, focusing on the main themes of its foreign policy, the competing visions of India’s role in the world, and some examples of India’s negotiating Style. Books are available at Brookings (, at Amazon, and in book stores. The text of our remarks follows:

Good evening.  It’s a great pleasure for my wife and me to come here to Richmond to talk with you about India and the book we’ve written about the drivers of its foreign policy and diplomatic practices. The two of us have spent a good deal of time as State Department officials working in India and dealing in Washington with Indian Continue reading “India at the Global High Table: Remarks at Richmond”